Adding a Poster Event

Written by Emma Wing Updated 1 year ago

You can use our poster area to build individual poster displays with as many downloads, images or videos as you like. Many event owners will use this area to display on-demand videos or any bonus content for their audience.

Adding your poster display area

  1. Go to your event builder
  2. Use the + icon to add an event poster area (you can only add one)
  3. Enter your poster title
  4. Enter your poster description
  5. Enter your poster display name (this will appear on the navigation bar)
  6. Upload a main image (this is a 30x9 and it will sit at the top of your poster area. If one is not uploaded, a Reattendance placeholder will be used)
  7. Enter your poster area start time and end date. You can have as many poster schedules as you like

Related Articles:

Poster Events Overview

Poster Events Presenters

Adding Poster Presentations